In this issue…
Making Stride.
After a stroke affected the use of Terri Garrett’s left arm and hand, she turned to the therapy team at FMC, who helped her establish a plan of action to reclaim the mobility she lost.
Surviving and Thriving.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, and Deb Gilbert almost contributed to that statistic. Thanks to her grandson’s lifesaving actions and the care of her cardiac and therapy teams at FMC, Deb is now urging other women to pay attention to the warning signs that she ignored.
Power of the Community.
In an effort to train more community members in CPR and improve cardiac arrest survival rates, Community Heart Watch’s new mobile training unit will be traveling throughout Fairfield County and beyond starting this spring.
Hope in Full Bloom.
Last spring, Patty Swinehart opted to undergo a lung cancer screening, a decision that proved to be lifesaving when the test uncovered two spots on her lung.
A Joyful Reunion.
A special reunion at FMC allowed patient Philip DeLong to thank the many healthcare workers who saved his life during his month-long hospitalization with COVID-19.
On the Cover: A Reassuring Presence.
When Levi Vanatta required hospitalization following an RSV diagnosis, his care team at FMC pulled together to help him make a full recovery.