Planning ahead ensures your wishes are understood by your loved ones. Advance Directives include a Healthcare Power of Attorney, a Living Will, and a DNR if applicable. These are not just “end of life” documents. We recommend all patients complete them, especially before undergoing surgery.
Health Information Exchange is an automated system that allows your health information to be shared among physicians, hospitals and other providers. The HIE gives your providers access to information necessary to treat you, reduces the need for duplicate tests and treatments, and reduces the chance of medication errors.
A Medical Release Authorization Form allows you to request copies of your medical records, lab work, imaging results, and more. Visit this page to submit a digital request or download a copy of the form along with information on where to send completed paperwork and requests.
Did you know that FMC and FHP allow you to check-in online ahead of time? You can confirm your appointment via text message or email, and check-in on your own device prior to your visit or when you arrive. This change is being implemented in waves across the FMC and FHP network.
It is a privilege to be able to care for you. As a patient of Fairfield Medical Center, you are assured of receiving the best possible healthcare by knowing and understanding your Patient Bill of Rights and Patient Bill of Responsibilities. Both can be found here.
Your patient portal, known as My FMC Portal, will help you manage your health and wellness by keeping you connected in a secure environment to access records and other information related to your healthcare.
Each patient at Fairfield Medical Center benefits from having access to our Patient Representatives and Chaplains to ensure that your visit is as comfortable as possible.
No matter if they are a purebred, a mixed breed, a rescue dog, a family pet, large, small, lively or calm, the Therapy Dogs at Fairfield Medical Center all have one thing in common; they love people and consider it their duty to brighten your day.
We know that a hospital stay can be a stressful time for patients and their families. To assist you through this time, we have prepared a list of useful pages to help locate information you may need before your visit, procedure, or after your stay.
Fairfield Medical Center offers access to a number of therapy and support groups. Find out more information about our various therapy sessions and local support groups.
Visit this page to learn more about general visiting hours as well as approved visiting hours and procedures for the Intensive Care Unit and Maternity Services.

Mental Health Community Resources
24-Hour Crisis Line: (74O) 687-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text “4HOPE” to 741741
Information and Referral: Dial 211
For a full list of resources in our community, please see the FAIRFIELD COUNTY TELELOG at: