Healthy Habits: 5 Tips to Battle Holiday Weight Gain
Guest Columnist Olivia Clevenger, RD, LD, CNSC, Nutrition Therapy, gives us five tips to battle weight gain while still indulging in some seasonal favorites.
Peace of Mind – Tracy’s Breast Cancer Journey
After almost putting off a routine mammogram that would end up revealing a breast cancer diagnosis, Tracy Gerardi has a message for other women: Do not delay your annual screening.
The Long Road Home – Dale’s Heart Care Journey
In a year full of challenges and tribulations, heart attack survivor Dale Richardson and his girlfriend Merri found comfort in two simple realizations: Miracles are possible, and the world is full of kind people.
Support & Serve – Meagan’s Maternity Story
Patient Meagan Lane and maternity nurse Haley Moku, RN, developed a special bond in the delivery room after they learned that their families share an extraordinary connection.