From Hospital to Home
We will be working to make your discharge from Fairfield Medical Center as smooth as possible.The typical length of stay for a mom who delivers vaginally is 36-48 hours and 48-72 hours for a mom who has a cesarean delivery. The OB care provider and pediatric hospitalist will collaborate with you regarding the best time for discharge.
Our staff will provide education and discharge instructions regarding care for mom and baby at home. A discharge book will be provided in your discharge packet and will serve as a very useful resource for your baby’s care at home.
Early on, we will provide you with your child’s birth certificate and infant hearing screening information. Completing your birth certificate paperwork as soon as possible after delivery is of utmost importance. This will ensure that our staff has time to verify and complete any additional documents. If you have questions or concerns regarding Ohio laws and establishing paternity, please call 740-687-8283.
When it is time for discharge, staff will remove the security sensor from baby and the baby’s bands will be compared to mom’s band and verified. When it is time to leave, your support person should pull up to our Main Entrance outside of Wishes gift shop. Carts are available to your support person to assist with carrying personal items to your car.