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The Rest of Your Life Begins Now

Lymphoma Cancer patient Grace adSurvivorship begins the moment you receive a cancer diagnosis forward. Cancer and its treatment may have late or long-term effects, and recovery is not over when your cancer treatment ends.

We want to provide you with the support and resources you need to transition back into your everyday life or to redefine what your life looks like after a diagnosis.

For more information on preparing for survivorship, contact your nurse navigator.


Outpatient nutrition counseling is offered by registered, licensed dietitians at Fairfield Medical Center for individuals wanting to improve their health and chronic disease risk factors through good food and lifestyle choices.

senior couple having a consultation with a financial advisor

We provide financial counseling for patients and families coping with cancer. There are a variety of financial resources available to those who qualify, including the Fairfield Medical Center Foundation and TWIG 1 Cancer Care Fund. Members of your oncology team will work collaboratively with financial aid personnel to determine what individualized assistance is available to you.

Therapist examining female patient's wrist

Much like rehabilitation after a serious illness or injury, physical therapy will help you to improve your daily function and quality of life. Our team of specialists and professionals at FMC’s Outpatient Therapy Services are dedicated to help you improve your lifestyle, safety and ability to do the things you enjoy.

Senior couple walking outside with arms around each other

No matter your age, or the stage or diagnosis of your cancer, palliative care may be used in conjunction with curative treatment to relieve pain, manage symptoms and generally improve your quality of life. Our team addresses a wide range of needs – physical, emotional, social or spiritual – and offers support for you and your family.

Women meet and shake hands at cancer recovery meeting

A cancer diagnosis and treatment can be daunting – but you’re not alone. A wide network of available resources and support groups forms a strong community of supporters who understand your struggles and are willing to share their experience and knowledge.

cancer survivorship celebration

For more information on your survivorship planning, speak to your nurse navigator or call the Cancer Care & Infusion Center at 740-687-6900.