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Experts in Personalized Care

Lymphoma Cancer patient Grace adConsisting of two main types – Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma – this blood disease affects the lymph nodes. Because this disease starts in the white blood cells, which are found in many different parts of the body, lymphoma can be found in a variety of sites, including: lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, adenoids and tonsils, or the digestive tract.

Lymphoma is one of the most common cancers in adolescents, and our board-certified hematologists are committed to providing compassionate care while helping you to fight your cancer.

Our cancer care team uses state-of-the-art technology to provide you with the best treatment possible. Once diagnosed, you will be connected with an oncology nurse navigator who is there every step of the way to provide guidance, support and education.

Contact our Cancer Care team at 740-687-6900 to learn more about how we treat lymphoma.

Young female cancer survivor running in a park

Causes & Risks

Age is a main risk factor, as lymphoma is most common in adolescents and those over 55. Lymphoma is slightly more common in males than females. If you have a family history of lymphoma – especially in siblings – your chance may be greater. Your risk of lymphoma increases if you have contracted Epstein-Barr virus or mononucleosis, or if you have a weakened immune system due to HIV, auto-immune disorders or immune suppressing drugs.

You can lower your risk of developing lymphoma by maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding exposure to diseases that weaken your immune system.

While there are currently no recommended tests to screen for lymphoma, some cases of lymphoma may be found early by watching for swelling in the lymph nodes.

Senior couple sitting on a couch with a consultant


Potential signs of lymphoma include:

  •  Enlarged lymph nodes – usually a non-painful lump in the neck, under the arm or in the groin that does not go away
  •  Fever
  •  Night sweats
  •  Weight loss
  •  Skin irritations (itching)
  •  Feeling tired
  •  Loss of appetite
  •  Coughing or difficulty breathing
Young female cancer patient ringing the bell to signal the end of her cancer treatment


If you are diagnosed with lymphoma, your cancer team – including a hematologist, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist or other specialists – will conduct tests to confirm your diagnosis and determine the stage of your lymphoma. Chemotherapy and radiation are the most common treatments for lymphoma, but the cancer care team may use additional therapies depending on your unique needs.

Cancer patient hugging a supportive woman


Fairfield Medical Center provides a vast array of support programs and care for our patients with cancer. These programs and resources can help you and your family address issues that you may face as a result of your cancer diagnosis or treatment.

Financial Support

There are a variety of financial resources available to those who qualify, including the Fairfield Medical Center Foundation and TWIGS One Cancer Care Fund. Members of your oncology team will work collaboratively with financial aid personnel to determine what individualized assistance is available to you.

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Central Ohio

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Central Ohio Chapter serves individuals who have been touched by one of the blood cancers. Learn more at

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