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Hip Pain

Is Your Hip Pain Holding You Back?

Hip pain can hold you back and impact your daily activities. If you are experiencing chronic or severe hip pain that lasts three or more months, it may be time to talk to one of our dedicated orthopedic providers. We will help diagnose the underlying causes of your pain and develop a personalized treatment plan to ease your discomfort.

Problems with your hip joint tend to result in pain on the inside of your groin or hip. Problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments and other soft tissues that surround your joint usually cause pain on the outside of your hip, upper thigh and outer buttock. The source of this pain can be caused by arthritis, injuries, pinched nerves, cancer or other problems such as osteoporosis.

Hip Injuries and Pain

  • Hip Arthritis
  • Hip Bursitis
  • Hip Dislocation, which occurs when the ball of the thigh bone moves out of the pelvic socket
  • Hip Fractures
  • Osteomyelitis, inflammation in the bone, usually due to an infection

Hip Arthritis

Hip arthritis, or inflammation of the protective cartilage of the hip joint, is one of the most common causes of hip pain. A very common hip arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA), which can be caused by obesity, ageing, genetics and injury. Sometimes the body will attack its own cartilage, which is an autoimmune disorder known as rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Symptoms Include:

  • Decreased range of motion
  • Grinding sound when moving
  • Groin pain
  • Stiffness
  • Thigh Pain
  • Weakness

hip joint osteoarthritis and healthy hip joint

How is Hip Arthritis Treated?

  •  Working with your provider to diagnose your arthritis as soon as possible is key for an effective treatment. Because hip arthritis cannot be cured, the goal of the treatment is to decrease symptoms and prevent the arthritis from worsening.
  •  Non-surgical treatment options include: increasing exercise or activity, assisted devices, such as a cane, physical therapy or medications.
  •  Severe hip arthritis may require surgery, during which the arthritic cartilage and bone in the hip is removed and then replaced. After the surgery, our therapy team helps to strengthen the hip and increase balance and coordination.

Hip Surgery

If a hip replacement is the appropriate treatment option for you, your orthopedic provider will work with you to discuss the different surgical approaches. At Fairfield Healthcare Professionals Orthopedics and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, our team of experts perform traditional hip replacement and anterior hip replacement procedures. They will work with you closely to identify which surgical approach is best for you based on your health background and the condition of your hip.

The hip joint is a ball and socket joint, formed by the meeting of the rounded top of the femur (thigh bone) and the cup-like cavity of the pelvis. During total hip replacement, your surgeon is careful to protect the ligaments and tendons. Your surgeon will keep as much of your own joint as possible, and only the diseased or damaged surfaces will be removed. These portions will be replaced with artificial parts and will become your new, smooth joint surface.hip joint replacement

  •  Traditional hip replacement is when a surgeon makes an incision several inches long over the hip joint to remove the damaged joint and place an artificial joint, also called a prosthesis.
  •  Anterior hip replacement is a minimally invasive surgical approach. Your surgeon will make an incision at the front of the hip and carefully work between muscles to replace your hip. This will allow the muscle to stay intact, which has been associated with less pain, faster recovery and reduced length of stay at the hospital.

Learn more about our team’s positive approach to joint surgery by clicking here.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Take the first step to relieving your hip pain, please call Fairfield Healthcare Professionals Orthopedics and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at 740-689-4935.