Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Whether you are recovering at home or in the Orthopedic Unit at Fairfield Medical Center, our team will provide personalized physical therapy to help get you moving again. Proper therapy is necessary for comfort and successful surgery outcomes. Walking is encouraged after surgery.
A therapy room is located on the Orthopedic Unit and includes all equipment necessary to make sure you can maneuver safely and successfully once at home or work. The therapy room, a simulated home-like environment, has stairs for you to practice, a bathtub to prepare for successful tub transfers, and all other necessary gym equipment needed for physical or occupational therapy. Physical therapists work with you on a one-on-one basis, closely evaluating your progress. The hallways of the Orthopedic Unit have been strategically designed to promote walking. Diamond shapes are positioned in the hallway flooring at a distance of 25 feet apart from the center of one diamond to the center of the next, so that patients can gauge walking distances while recovering.