Tips for a Healthy Holiday
Did you know the average American will experience a half- to two-pound weight gain each holiday season? This additional weight tends to accumulate over several years, which can have a gradual – yet noticeable – impact on health. Here are some tips for a healthy and balanced holiday.
You Are What You Eat
If you suffer from acid reflux, you likely know what foods are safe to eat – and which ones can ruin your day. Learn more about managing your reflux symptoms through smart eating habits.
Healthy Habits: Diabetes-Friendly Snacks
Snacks are essential to keep blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible and to help prevent low blood sugar – especially for those with diabetes. When it comes to snacking, people often think of foods that are high in sugar or fats, but you have plenty of other options. Read on for some fun, healthy ideas for snacks that are low in carbs and will give you the energy you need to get through your day.
Healthy Eating on a Budget
For many people, healthy eating is important, but they only have so much money set aside for food each week or month. With a little pre-planning, you can stick to your healthy eating goals without breaking the bank.
Healthy Habits: Benefits of Breakfast
You’ve heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but is there any truth to the matter? Read on to learn more about the benefits of starting the day with a healthy, delicious meal.
Healthy Eating on the Run
Even if you make good choices at home, it can be very difficult to maintain healthy eating habits at restaurants, parties or on-the-go. Learn more about 12 tips to help you practice good nutrition in any situation.
Understanding Hunger
Mental health is important to overall health, and our psychology can also play a big role in how we manage our weight. In this article, learn more about identifying types of hunger.
Healthy Habits: 5 Tips to Battle Holiday Weight Gain
Guest Columnist Olivia Clevenger, RD, LD, CNSC, Nutrition Therapy, gives us five tips to battle weight gain while still indulging in some seasonal favorites.
Healthy Habits: Smart Shopping
Healthy decisions start at home, and planning ahead can improve your health while saving you time and money. Learn more about meal planning and smart grocery shopping here.
Healthy Habits: Put Your Best Fork Forward
It’s a great time to remember that eating right doesn’t have to be complicated— simply begin to shift to healthier food and beverage choices.
Healthy Habits: A Balanced Diet
At every life stage, our diet is vital to our overall health and well-being. A healthy diet can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and types of cancer such as breast and colorectal. It can also increase bone health and muscle strength, and help you lose weight. Having a healthy dietary pattern doesn’t just happen overnight – it takes dedication to achieve and maintain.
Healthy Habits: Immune-Boosting Vitamins
Vitamins play a vital role in keeping our bodies, and our immune systems, functioning at their finest. Learn more about immune-boosting nutrients and where to find them.
Calming the Chaos – Marilyn’s Heartburn Care Story
When Marilyn Stephenson is asked to describe what life was like with chronic heartburn, a condition that plagued her for years and even landed her in the hospital, the word “chaos” always immediately comes to mind.