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Article originally posted March 2020.

As businesses across the region begin to screen employees for symptoms of COVID-19 before the start of the work day, most notably through temperature checks, Fairfield Medical Center infectious disease physician Dr. Andrew Dagg-Murry wants to prepare the community and employers for what should happen next.

“If someone has a fever, do not send them to the emergency department or urgent care,” Dr. Dagg-Murry said. Instead, individuals should be instructed to go home and self-isolate. From that point, they should monitor symptoms closely and seek medical attention if their condition worsens or becomes severe. “And always call ahead before arriving,” the doctor reminded.

For the vast majority of individuals, COVID-19 will cause mild to moderate symptoms before resolving and may not require testing. “Employees should be without symptoms for a week, and fever free – without the use of medication – for three consecutive days before returning to work,” said Dr. Dagg-Murry. Upon returning to work, employees should wear a standard isolation mask for 7 days.

Click here for FMC’s most recent updates on COVID-19.